Saturday, December 26, 2009

Is it safe to apply antibiotic cream to open wounds on a red tail boa?

Do not use peroxide on your snake like mentioned in one of the answers, it is very bad for your snake. Any open wound on an animal should be seen by a vet. The vet will most likely give you antibiotic shots to give it along with a special antibiotic cream made for reptiles. Using any medicine made for humans without the approval of a vet is a very bad idea and can cause more damage than good.Is it safe to apply antibiotic cream to open wounds on a red tail boa?
It all depends on where the wound is located and how deep it is. It is not a good idea to give human antibiotics to your animal without consulting a veterinarian first. Your snake may need to take an oral antibiotic which you must get from the veterinarian.Is it safe to apply antibiotic cream to open wounds on a red tail boa?
Superficial wounds can be treated with neosporin and peroxide. Serious open wounds with exposed tissue can easily become infected and need veterinary treatment as soon as possible. A bite from a rat should also be evaluated by a vet.
Yes, many zoo and vets use neosporin on repts.

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