Saturday, December 26, 2009

Will anseptic wash and antibiotic cream work for a cat bite? that is what i used?

If the cat bit you, you should go to the doctor. Cat bites are puncture wounds and the antiseptic wash can't get all the way down into the bite hole. 95% of all cat bites get infected and need antibiotics. Waiting to see if you will become infected will just cause you unnecessary pain and possibly serious illness or even hospitalization. If it's just a more superficial wound, like you are quite certain only the surface skin was broken, the cream and wash should be just fine. But if it gets red or swollen, you will need to seek medical treatment. Don't pay attention to how much it bleeds b/c most puncture wounds don't bleed very much.

I've been bit by cats three times (all during careless play on my part and the cat was never to blame). The first time I got bit by a cat was on the finger. The bite penetrated to the bone. I waited about 12 hours to go to the doctor because it was my sister's cat and I was trying to be strong and play it off as no big deal. By then I was so sick I didn't want to get out of bed and I still had to go to Six Flags after the doctor. That was an awful day. The second time I was bit by a cat (mine this time), I once again waited and felt ill but it wasn't quite as bad because it was on the fleshy part of the leg. The third time I got bit on the arm (again by my cat), I went to the doctor right away and got the meds. I didn't give the bite much chance to get infected before I took care of the problem. I kind of felt silly since I didn't feel sick but whenever I did I would just remind myself of the first time and I felt much better.Will anseptic wash and antibiotic cream work for a cat bite? that is what i used?
you should check with a doctor if the cat didnt have rabies shotsWill anseptic wash and antibiotic cream work for a cat bite? that is what i used?
Probably. But even more important鈥攊s your tetanus shot current? You may need a booster to be sure. Call your doctor immediately to find out, because there is a limited number of days after the bite that it will work. Tetanus shot aside, rabies is less common in cats, I believe, but you should find out about the cat's shots if it isn't yours. Keep it clean and watch the bite carefully for signs of infection (like excessive redness, discharge, general worsening of the wound, etc.) and get to the doctor immediately if they occur.
Where is the cat bite? On another cat or on you? If on you make sure you cleaned it well with the wash and apply the cream a few times a day. This should do the trick. If the site becomes swollen, red and hot please go to the doctor you may need anitbiotics.
Work on whom? A cat? Yourself?

Those are good as long as there was no communicable disease that could have been transmitted. If you are referring to a cat biting another cat, you should have the bitten one checked at the vet for FIV and other diseases which are terminal.
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