Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Can any1 suggest a good antibiotic cream or spray i can use on my dog to treat a cut?

The cut is on the dogs back and i think anything ii'm using is just causing my dog to scratch the area and this is causing bleeding.Can any1 suggest a good antibiotic cream or spray i can use on my dog to treat a cut?
buy a medicated shampoo and clean the area as and when needed you can buy a medicated shampoo with calamine in it to help prevent itching.Can any1 suggest a good antibiotic cream or spray i can use on my dog to treat a cut?
Sulfodine is the best treatment for that kind of thing鈥?br>

You can find it at any petstore or even walmart sometimes in the shampoo section. Just dab some on with a cotton swab and keep the area clean.
Neosporin is safe to use on your dog! You should really clean the cut first and then apply the neosporin.

If it get infected then you'll need to take the dog to the vets.
neosporin is good. but dont let the dog lick it put neosporin n it then wrap it so it can heal.
You can clean it out with Peroxide and put some Neosporin on it.

Would can by Iodine form a chemist - this will keep the cut clean and safe
tcp does the trick for my dogs
i use dettol on my dogd cuts not only does it clean it it helps heal faster as well

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